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2nd January, 2004
New Road
The Guyanese government has yet again proven itself to be incompetent of common sense decisions. In the October 2003 issue of the Guyana Monthly Update (a monthly newsletter from Guyana.org) there's a short writing regarding plans to expand the East Bank road from Ruimveldt to the Demerara Harbour Bridge costing the Guyanese working class approximately two billion dollars. The road, according to the article in The Guyana Monthly Update, is to ‘beautify the country and prepare for the hosting of the 2007 World Cup Cricket'. This should be a blinding revelation to the people who still support the current government. Moves like this show how they set their priorities and make their decisions – without us and without us in mind. Elaborating on this issue:
Nothing is new about this – the Government have nothing but themselves in mind; not the people, not the environment – just themselves. The way they carry out their campaigns for political power is comparative to bribing a child with sweets. With promises which are never broken, but never kept, mind control tactics and mental enslavement, with cheap tricks used to grapple our emotions, and win votes for themselves: political warfare upon the minds of the people. And when power is achieved – power that is allowed by the people, the rampage of abuse of the Guyanese people and Guyana continues. ______________ These are precisely the types of decisions the Guyanese people have to act against. I'm positive that I am not the only one against this particular decision the government announces so proudly that it has made. The Guyanese have to make a choice, not the government, and although they have not allowed us to vote upon it or put in our part, that doesn't mean that we can't do so, even if it's something as small as a letter to the President; if enough letters are written, there could quite possibly be a change of plans for the 2 billion dollars they're about the waste. After all, most Guyanese won't be attending the 2007 World Cup Cricket in Guyana if it does actually make it to Guyana. There will be many foreigners entering the country specifically for the event - foreigners with much more money than most Guyanese, and most likely, they will be occupying most of the seats inside whichever stadium the World Cup Cricket is held in. I have realised that the future of Guyana depends not in the hands of any political party, both present and, more than likely, future, but in the hands of the people. Guyanese have been trained and brainwashed that the government always holds 'power', and that the people have to adhere to their demands, or face federal penalty- this is one of the biggest weaknesses of any group of people. History has proven over and over that it is the people who have the power, a power that only had to be realised and united. The only characteristic the Government has over the people is unity - they put their greedy minds together and devise a way to control us. This control is made easier when a population is divided, adaptive, and weak. It is up to the Guyanese people to unite against the so called holders of 'power', take the power back, and keep it where it belongs: to the Guyanese people. Depending on the government to make decisions has always been, for the most part, a waste of time and money - time and money that could have already created a Guyana on the move instead of a Guyana stagnated by political corruption. Many Guyanese don't realise this, and many do, but not many Guyanese are about to fight for what they think is right. Many have already either chosen the path of the pacifist, or have fled the country through frustration. There are not many fighters left. It is the duty of the few who know about the atrocities of the government to spread the word; be a rebellious cancer cell, and spread the truth, and activism - the willingness to rebel at any given moment. The government needs to understand that the voice of the Guyanese people must be heard, listened to, and obeyed. They must understand that they make decisions in our favour, not theirs, and that if there are no steps taken to satisfy our needs and demands, there will be repercussions and steady unrest for the people who have risen the anger of the people. Fear must be driven into the minds of the people who seek to govern us, and that fear will only ignite with us. It is time to light your mind with truth and knowledge, and most of all, have the courage to act for what you believe in. |
10th December, 2003
Steroid Truth
Some time or the other, if you live in the US, you may have noticed that the police officers tend to be quite a bit oversized. They seem unnaturally bigger and stronger than average; even police officers from Guyana and other countries don't come close in most cases. I have always wondered why this was so, and for a while I considered the fact that they had to be on some type of drug or medication to grow that big and strong - so I researched it on the internet, and although hard to find, I found a webpage that somewhat confirmed my speculation - police officers and soldiers do take steroids. Imagine - a junkee that is supposed to be 'protecting you'. But we all know that the police are only there to keep the servile, stagnant, sheepish populace under control, and put more non-white men in jail. The webpage claims that these jobs require above average strength, but I think it's above average appearance - to intimidate. Now, the question is: how safe should anyone feel around a steroid freak with a badge? |
7th December, 2003
I miss Guyana. |